Worldbuilding: Character Concepts


Hey everyone! Welcome to the first instalment of a new series I'll be working on to get things rolling with my upcoming projects. I'll predictably be calling it "Worldbuilding," because that's what it's about.

The ideas I've developed over the past few years have lived almost exclusively inside my own head up until now. Since I'm going to be exploring them in my art a lot more on this site, what better place to start than to get the most important parts down on paper?

These ideas tend to begin with a character concept and branch out from there. It therefore makes sense to start by fleshing out those characters with some design sheets and bios for people to understand them a little better when I start including them in scenes and stories.

In order to ease into things and help me get a better handle on these designs, I started out by doing a sketch page for each character. Some of them will be new to you, since I've not drawn them much or at all.

I hope you like them. You'll be seeing a lot more of them very soon!


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