Want to get a commission? Great, and thank you!

My process is very flexible, and while the options available to you might be a little overwhelming, the process is very straightforward! Whichever way you go, you'll usually start from my Artconomy Commission store page.

Also, please note that all of the most important links are found in my Hub's commissions section, which you can also access via the "Commission Me" button on the main page.

The Simplest Explanation

Here's the brass-tacks explanation of my commissioning process to quickly get you up to speed.

  1. Commissioning me is an explicit agreement with my terms of service.
  2. I take orders via my Artconomy page. I am pretty much always open for commissions.
  3. I have options available for whether you know what you want, or prefer to leave it up to me.
  4. I am very kink positive, and into a ton of stuff. Please don't be shy to ask me for what you like.
  5. I use a waitlist system. Your order will be placed in a queue until I get to it. Tier 3 and 4 patrons get priority.
  6. You only need to pay when I invoice you. I'll invoice you around when I start working on the project. Payment plans are available for larger projects, past a certain price.
  7. Don't post the finished art publicly until I do. Link the post back to me when you do. Sharing in private spaces is fine.

If that's enough to get you started, great!

Head to Artconomy, pick your slot, follow the instructions, and I'll see you there. I look forward to drawing for you.

Otherwise, you can find more detailed information below. Click on any point that's relevant to you to expand it.

"Are You Open For Commissions?"

More than likely Yes. Barring any rare exceptions, I aim to always be open for new requests. If I’m closed, I am very likely to reopen soon, so please check in again a little later.

Please note that I almost always have a waitlist and a queue of work pending, so I’m unlikely to start on your project as soon as you submit the order (See “When Will You Work On My Commission?” below).

"Do You/Would You Draw [x]?"

More than likely Yes. I probably like it too, even if I haven’t drawn it before.

"I Have a Specific Idea in Mind"

Cool. Any of my bespoke tier listings on my products page will be a good fit for you. These include:

  • Simple Sketch
  • Flat Coloured Sketch
  • Flat Coloured Lineart
  • “The Works”

For more specialized items or requests, check out the following:

  • Comic Page
  • Character Reference Sheet
  • Custom Digital Art

“Custom Art” means that you can ask me for something even more specific than what is afforded in the previous listings. For example; you can request an exact style of work like those I’ve used in the past, and other options that aren’t covered by any of the other tier slots. I’ll work with you to figure out how to get exactly what you want, and it will be priced according to your needs and/or budget.

Once you’ve picked a tier, read each step and follow the guided process on Artconomy, providing as much or as little detail as you wish. Please remember to include all the important information that you want as part of your commission.

"I Don't Know Exactly What I Want"

Cool. To clarify; by “Don’t Know Exactly,” I mean anything between “I literally have no clue” and “I’ve got a basic concept.” My improvised and creative license tiers are perfect for you in either case!

These Include tiers marked as “Improv Art” on my products page, namely:

  • “Quickie” Sketch
  • “Grab Bag” Tiers 1 and 2
  • Stream Slots (Coming Soon™️)

For these tiers, all you need is to provide a character (or more, depending on the slot) along with one or more basic themes. Optionally, you can instead submit your art account for me to look for ideas, or even submit something that I’ve already drawn for you or my crowdfunding site, to create a sequel for.

Just pick the tier you like best, then follow the guided process to submit your request.

While this is a dedicated service that I offer to simplify the process of “coming up with something” for you, note that you are placing an order within these tiers entirely at your own risk. I will always exercise care with picking an idea for you, but any changes made to improv commission tiers come at an additional charge, and cannot be refunded after completion.

"How Do I Order a YCH?"

Start by finding the one you want from those available to you in my listings and open it.

Click the “Order This Art Slot” button at the bottom of its description to open the Artconomy page, then start an order there and follow the guided process to submit your request. Make sure to keep both tabs open until you’re done, as you may need to copy some information over as part of the process.

"When Will You Work On My Commission?"

Short answer: I can’t tell you for sure.

When you submit your order, it goes into a waitlist for me to pick from whenever a spot opens in my active work queue. How soon that is depends on what projects I have lined up at the time, but either way there will likely be a wait, so you should plan ahead and submit your idea as soon as you know what you want and that you’ll be able to afford it.

How the timing ultimately works out depends on several factors, but the best I can offer is that if you need it by a specific date a month or two down the line, let me know in your request description, and I’ll see how to accommodate you depending on my current work queue and waitlist. If you’re an existing tier 3 or 4 patron, your chances for this will improve drastically.

If you need something urgently, your best and only option is to order a Rush Slot. This comes at an additional fee but I will drop everything to get your project done. The rush slot fee is non-refundable, and isn’t subject to any patrons’ discounts.

Otherwise, if you’re chill about it, just sit tight and I’ll get to you in due time. You’ll only pay for your slot if and when I’m about to start on it, so there’s zero risk involved with placing an order until then.

"When and How Do I Pay You?"

Payment is only ever due when I send you an invoice, and never any sooner.

For most commissions, usually bespoke projects, I will send the invoice once I’ve shown you the first sketch and you’ve approved it. Payment will then need to be settled within two weeks before work continues.

For commissions that are one-and-done, namely improv tiers and most YCH slots, I will send you an invoice after I’ve confirmed that you’re still interested in the commission and moved your project up from the waitlist to my work queue.

I take payment primarily via Stripe. PayPal is also an option if and when it’s absolutely necessary, with an additional 5% fee to the final price.

"Can I Pay Via Payment Plan/Instalments?"

Yes; for projects totaling €250 or more, in instalments no less than €125 each, paid monthly.

Please note that if any of the payments aren’t fulfilled, the artwork made as part of the project can be reused, replacing any characters included within as necessary.