Doodle Pack Q4 ’24


Here's the most recent doodle pack finished from the end of last year. Some of these have been posted on social media but here they are in one place for archival and easy access.

Starting with the personal and somewhat emotional stuff, we have one that was inspired by a video that lived in my head rent free for weeks after it was posted and crossed my path. I had to draw myself as that tiny little puppy, cause I felt it.

The other piece was inspired by a predictably difficult time I was having in the midst of a good one, which was equally frustrating as it was upsetting to deal with.

Next we have a couple of pieces of game fanart which are strangely both horror focused and yet the resulting art ended up being completely tonally different. On the left, we have Blocks for Babies, a tetris FPS (you'll see); and on the right, an idle nightmare 2: SABBATH, a clicker game (trust me, it's good).

I will mention that the fanart of IN2 isn't based on any specific scenes from the game, but just something I imagined could have happened in the game.

Next, we have assorted stream gifts and raffle prizes, going in order;

FaerieAlex, Fiona, ShadeTavish, BlazingPelt, James, TrixterCat, and Plushie; Melody, Halley (ft. Arwyn), Dal and Pockets; Trixter's displacer beast; and another bonus Fiona.

Another batch of scribbles; some silly, some sentimental.

Myself, feeling pleased from the praise I was getting; TipTap and Arwyn, during a rather bratty exchange; Me comforting Millie (aka Malachyte) during a heart-to-heart we shared; and a redraw of a classic meme with me in it instead.

And last, but not least, some assorted but more detailed giftart for friends.

Arwyn, being her usual mischievous self; a rendition of a plushie that belongs to my friend Valk; and a drawover with me and Melody using an Animal Crossing screenshot she'd taken for a project of her own.

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