Guess What? I Just Finished Kinktober.


Not a single day missed; was only late to my daily deadline once when it was my own fault; and still made time to work on commissions in between. Even after all that, I got them done four whole days ahead of schedule!

I wanted to reflect a little on some of the highlights and the experience of this crazy fucking project I decided to embark upon literally the night before (!!) the month began, and write about some of the fun things I learned, experienced, or that I've decided to take on board for the site moving forward.

I should note that I won't be adding the changes to the pledge perks officially for now, as they'll speak for themselves when they happen and I'd much rather not make promises before I can prove that they'll work on a longer-term basis. So, if you're reading this, you get the inside scoop before others do!

Charting Kinky New Seas

I really enjoyed coming up with all sorts of off-the-wall kink ideas and it was fun seeing which ones did well on the site. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Chocolate Corruption (Day 4, 12 Likes) did the best of all, followed by Oral Orgasm (Day 15, 11 Likes) and Restless Regression (Day 16, 10 Likes); which were admittedly less surprising. Some of them I honestly didn't expect would get as much of a response as they did, like at all! I got to draw kinks and themes that I really enjoy, but I don't often get a chance to indulge in, and even encouraged a few folks to be included in kink illustrations that weren't common fare for themselves, too!

I wanted to make sure volunteers were comfortable with the ideas I ended up choosing for them, and while refusing the spot was a perfectly valid choice, I genuinely appreciated those who were willing to take the plunge even if it wasn't a top choice for them. It's always fun to see people trying out new things but, even speaking on simple logistical terms, it helped make things that little bit easier for me since I didn't need to spend the extra time to find a substitute and shuffle the rest of my queue around as a result.

If you gave me the okay to include you in one of the slots that you volunteered for, but then turned out not to suit your tastes perfectly; I really appreciate you and I hope that it leads to some more fun for you down the line. I'd be happy to draw more of it for you sometime if it led to you discovering something new.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

At some point around the end of the first week, I redoubled my efforts to gain an advantage on my schedule. Having to work on the same day's illustration to a deadline down to the hour made things far more stressful than they needed to be. Therefore, by finishing two pictures in one day I effectively shifted my deadlines one day ahead, and I could work a bit more flexibly by only ever needing to finish my work by midnight. I could easily write up the post's metadata for uploading the morning after, even if I got up really late.

The best part was that as long as I finished one piece a day, I'd keep that advantage going. I know; local neurotypical artist rabbit makes revolutionary discovery: working ahead of schedule is pretty good, actually. In simpler terms, starting at least a day ahead of the month would've simply been the ideal way to handle it, but such are the whims I run on at times. I'll know better for next time.

This final week was basically a blitz of sorts; once I had my sights set on the finishing line, I figured I could pull double shifts fairly easily to get the rest of the queue sorted out well ahead of time. So long as I never completely wrote off any days, I could only ever gain time. Granted, doing this in parallel to other work related tasks often led to me finishing later than 2AM several mornings in a row, but as we all know, I rather appreciate that weird part of the night.

I also promised myself that I'd add whatever days I gained, from finishing early, onto the week of time off I planned on taking once I had Kinktober done and dusted. This worked out to be a huge incentive to do a good job of it, and paid off too. Also, yes, I'm sure it's not all that surprising but I'm taking some time off, cause I'm fucking exhausted!

Site Schedule and Tentative Perk Additions

So as it turns out, this new format for making stuff worked really well for me, and by the looks of it, for some of y'all too. I can come up with a list of quick and simple ideas that I expand upon later, let folks volunteer for those they find interesting, and they potentially get some free art for pledging to the site while I save myself the trouble of having to generate a thousand new placeholder OCs to finish the artwork in the process.

With that in mind, I'm definitely planning on using this format again soon in some way, shape, or form. Not to such a strict, breakneck pace, mind you - I literally ran out of cards in my kink deck by the final play session - but a couple of prompts a month is a fun and healthy enough schedule, I think. I still really hope that other artists will pick up some of the prompts in future, but until then I can continue having my fun with all sorts of new and fun and silly ways to push the limits of my idea cards and subsequent brainstorming sessions.

It's a part of my work I've always been proud of, and this gives me room to flex those muscles and show off what I can do.

Even though there's effectively unlimited combinations of idea cards to be found, they're not always going to be the most usable and we're bound to have repeats and retreads of prompts and art ideas we've seen before. That's never stopped us in the past though, and in some ways that might encourage even better art down the line. With the slower pace, I may be in a better position to make longer sequences, or perhaps even some short comic strips??

We'll just have to wait and see. In any case, I'd strongly encourage you to keep an eye on the site and take a second to remind you that I send new post notifications via email, Telegram, Discord, cohost, Mastodon, Bluesky, and even Twitter. You seriously cannot miss me posting here.

I Feel Fucking Awesome ((Terms and Conditions Apply))

I'm genuinely proud of what I've achieved this month, especially since I finished so far ahead of schedule.

The site gained about 10 patrons over the course of the month, and I'm super happy to have you all here even if it's just for a little while. I really appreciate the support and the votes of confidence, and I hope you've enjoyed what I have to offer so far. Noticing you join as I got further into the project gave me the occasional morale boost I really needed to see it through. Thank you.

Unfortunately, this little stunt did lead to me neglecting a whole boatload of other work tasks that needed doing, so please don't expect this to be the standard moving forward. I think I can manage it twice a year at most, while doing a slower variation of it the rest of the time. There's other projects I'd like to pick up sometime too, so there's a lot of really cool stuff I'll be juggling if I get my way.

Maybe if we get even more patrons on board, it could happen sooner and more frequently? Perhaps. (Perchance.)

In any case, I want to give you my thanks again for being with me on this crazy ride, and that I genuinely hope that you like what you've seen and what's still coming up for the final four days, at least as much as I had fun making them for y'all. It was an absolute blast going through the whole process from inception to execution, pretty much entirely on my own terms (with some helpful feedback from time to time), on so many fun illustrations in quick succession.

Although I'm now very much spent, the whole exercise has still done a lot to boost my self-confidence, and that'll hopefully carry over to the next projects I've got lined up.


As an extra little thank you for reading this post, have a quick peek at what my work folder looks like on my Dropbox right now. I blacked out some stuff that’s either commissioned work or pending on other projects, but be aware that there’s still minor spoilers for the last remaining illustrations that are coming up.

If you’d rather be surprised, save these for later!


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