Priority Commissions! – Taking Limited Slots


Yes - I'm taking commissions again!

This is going to serve as a trial run for my new queueing system. I'm trying to avoid divulging too much information because it would defeat the purpose of it, but here's the rundown.

For starters, I've updated my prices and want to give you all a sneak peek at what they'll be like in comparison to my previous rates. Feel free to skim through and compare as you see fit, and any feedback, if you'd like to give it, is welcomed.

For this first initial intake only, note that I'll be breaking my typical workflow and requiring payment upfront once your commission has been accepted.

Second, I'll be taking them through a new (to me) platform called Artconomy, as a trial run. I would rather not be making the switch from given that I've long since established myself there, but I've lost a lot of trust in its dev and management team over the past couple of years. They've only been getting increasingly less reliable and unresponsive, and I've had enough.

Next, I'll be taking a limited selection of tiers for this first intake; specifically, the following ones:

Last but by no means least, is the new queueing system. To keep it short: there is none! Well, not a typical one anyway. Moving forwards, I'm planning on keeping my waitlist open indefinitely, and picking the next projects for my work queue depending on what I'm feeling like. I'm planning on deciding based on various factors such as wait times, priority queue status, and if it's something I've already worked on before.

Ultimately though, if I've seen and approved your request, then it's just a matter of time until I get to it.

I'll be selecting 3, maybe 4 requests before putting the waitlist and queue on hold, and keep the reserved slots until next time - which will be very soon. You can take your time submitting your request (please do so within the next 3 days though, just this once), and know that there's a very good chance that it'll get done - just that you might need to wait a little for it.


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