May ’22 Work Progress and Updates

Figured I'd make a quick post regarding some things that might be going unnoticed in the background as of late. Got a couple of projects still ongoing and between maintaining my mental health and keeping focused on priority tasks, sometimes the site goes a little quiet.

I've been in a bit of a low spell recently; I think I was a little overdue for one after being so productive last month, and I'm also still dealing with fallout from the big changes that have come about with my realizing I'm trans. You could call them growing pains, I suppose, but the uncertainty has definitely worn me down. I'm just trying to work my way through it carefully as I can, and continue supporting myself with my art as I figure things out bit by bit.

On that note, The Debauchery Drive has pretty much run its course by now, and I'm happy to say that it's been a resounding success. I really cannot thank everyone enough for their generosity, and I hope the art that will result from it will be worth it. The Donation Page will be up until the 19th next week, when I head up to the UK again to attend CFz. After that, I'll be replacing it with a regular tip jar.

I've been quietly updating the Drive's page as well as my Twitter feed, albeit less quietly, with the illustrations that I've gotten done so far. I plan on uploading them to my other galleries soon. There's another 11 of them I've got queued up to get done from goals that have already been reached, and plenty other goals to be reached besides that. Some of them are close to completion, too!

Here's a handy list of all the categories which are near their next goal:

Chocolate Taur (C2), Goal #1: €60 / 100
Ruby Sex Pet (R2), Goal #2: €170 / 175
Yasmin Stat Mods (Y2), Goal #2: €140 / 175
Isaac Wild Cards (S6), Goal #1: €57 / 85

In other art-related news, I've finally finished my commission queue from last year! I managed to pick up the pace fairly well towards the end, and I hope to keep it that way in future. Please note that I will be updating my prices before reopening, and the next batch will be reserved to my patrons when I'm back from CFz next month. If you'd like to grab a slot, be sure to pledge before then.

And finally, yes; I will be at CFz this year and I hope to see you there too! I will be dealing and taking digital commissions with my brand new work setup, so please come and say hi if you're attending.


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