Tato’s Humiliation Stream


A couple of weeks ago, I took part in a joint stream to celebrate Tato's birthday along with LilChu, Rocky, Fevee, Joe and Gemini - at least as far as I was involved, as there were others who joined in after I had my turn and had to sign off for the evening.

Each round was time-limited so the work isn't my most polished, but it was a fantastic time going back to the quick-fire format that I used to do back on Patreon. To start with, here were my entries.

LilChu was my first target, and it was certainly very tricky to strike the right balance for him! I know he's not into regression and belittling, so I figured I'd try a different approach by instead putting myself a rung above instead of only taking him down several pegs.

I've been toying with the idea of Chocolate being a kind of angel investor who targets businesses with a kink-related model. LilChu has been making some really lovely art revolving around The Smol Cafe, which is an appropriately named cafe with a littles and babyfur theme.

Needless to say, it'd be a shoe-in for a visit from Chocolate for potential investment, but Chu wasn't gonna get out of showing a little "team spirit" to help secure the deal.

Next up was Feeves, whose character is actually an adult male un(?)lucky enough to have been regressed and genderswapped after falling into a pool of enchanted water.

She tries hard to resist what comes naturally to her younger body, but tantrums sometimes get the best of her and hardly help her case.

The last round I participated in had me subjecting Rocky to some embarrassment, and I figured that the best way to pile on the humiliation is to involve as many people as possible, right?

It's certainly a mystery how they ended up in such a compromising position, but maybe it could lead to a different kind of career in streaming?

NB: After the stream, this sparked a conversation with JamieBun which in turn inspired a fun way to take this idea further, one that I'd like to expand upon later.

By the end of it, I came in third based on number of votes for the most humiliating artwork. Tato came first, and while their score was helped by participating in every single round, they still made some genuinely impressive artwork in very little time. LilChu eked out a second place position over me in the final round, no less thanks to the artwork he made of me.

In those same three rounds, I was the target of Tato (link includes all other art by them, which involves messy diapers as well as more of the above), Joe (involves cartoony hijinks) and LilChu (hasn't been uploaded yet). It was a fantastically fun event and we all agreed to set something like it up again in future, so you can look forward to that.


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