I’m Outta There.


Good news, everyone - The site is finally all set and ready to go!

I want to thank you all for being here and supporting me on this eventful journey of mine. It's been pretty damn crazy, but considering that I was in a very different place just over a month ago, I think I've earned a bit of pride in what I've achieved here.

It wasn't done without a decent amount of help, though.

Tiff tipped me off about WordPress being a viable option in the first place, then helped me pick out the right plugins as I went along. Wolfie helped me out with a whole slew of backend stuff that often goes over my head. Lots of others helped with testing and migration which went far, far more smoothly than I was anticipating. Special shout-outs to Fiona, Suki and Lazzyz for their contributions there.

Thanks again to all of you who've stuck with me during this rather dry spell of content. I've got a lot planned to look forward to, and I wouldn't be here if not for all of you. I don't take your patience and support for granted.

And with that:

Welcome to the Candy Shop. We're officially open for business!


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