Kinktober Day 29: Manual Maintenance

Ihddn volunteered for the prompt Breasts, Subversion, and Missing Appendages, and they were a perfect fit! In more ways than one. Thanks go to Dal for making a suggestion of how I might use the "Subversion" Meta card, because it's been so long that I'd forgotten my original intentions for having included it. As you can see in this illustration, I used it to "Subvert" the term "Missing Appendages," in a way that didn't outright contradict the term (they're still technically missing) but also went against its base meaning.

Ihddy finds himself subject to some very thorough product quality tests after getting turned into one to be shipped off for their new owner's enjoyment! He can't deny that it feels extremely good to touch his new, sensitive parts like that, but he can't figure out how to stop doing it, either...

Fun fact: Discord reported the filesize of this image to be exactly 800.80KB. It is therefore perfectly sized for the job.

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