July was rough for me, but I still got some sketches done in between bigger site art and commissioned work.
I was not doing okay for most of the time due to some major life events, and this resulted from a cute little comic that popped up on my Twitter feed and touched a nerve that was still quite raw from the experience.

Next is another silly thing from Twitter, based off of the "BIG X vs BIG Y" meme that was making the rounds at the time. It was a good excuse to draw something fun and cute for my good friends Wolfie and Ru at the same time, especially given, well, them.
I could've probably exaggerated the sizes a bit more but, eh.

Last but not least: wahs.
Plushie and I kept tossing back and forth a screencap I'd taken and captioned of one of the fuzzy dumbasses from the hundreds of videos we shared with each other, and figured it made a good base for a sticker for her as a little gift.
I also practiced trying to capture their iconic and adorable empty-headed vibes, with somewhat mixed success.

Big collar, definitely big collar