Tiff’s Streams – BunnyBombed

Tiff asked for some slice-of-life for her last session, following a long and very picturesque visit to Japan.

Both of us are enamored by Ōkunoshima, the rabbit island off the coast just to the west of Hiroshima. It's been on our bucket lists for as long as we can remember, but she managed to make her way there to see the hoards of buns and practice some photography while there.

This scene was inspired by real events.

And here's the proof, as well as the reference material I went off of.

You can see more of Tiff's photography, specifically what she snapped while on the bunny island, over on her cohost page.

The inquisitive little bunny did eventually settle back down to pose for a photo with their friend though, which I think wraps up this story in a really sweet way.


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