Closing Priority & YCH Queues and Updating Prices


With some upcoming changes to my pricelist that have been overdue, I felt it best to make a quick update post regarding patron commission and YCH slots on the site during the transition period.

When I last opened the priority queue, about 5 months ago, I decided to leave it open indefinitely to give more time for folks to grab a slot. The intention was to keep it open until December, when I would then switch to the public queue once or twice before updating my prices. Obviously that didn't happen, mainly due to a good amount of demand and important life stuff slowing me down a little when clearing out my queue.

With that just about done, I'll be closing my patron-exclusive queue and pausing any new YCH slots for the time being, until I get the public commission queue sorted out. I'll extend the closing dates of any affected YCH slots (just the one, currently) accordingly based on how long this lasts.

Regarding that, while I don't intend to make the queue exclusive to non-patrons, I will be giving them precedence given that I last opened my public queue about 8-10 months ago. Feel free to submit a request, but I'll probably ask that you hold off until the next priority queue opens up.

If you weren't aware that the priority queue was open and have been waiting for a chance to commission me, please let me know and we'll sort something out before I update my pricelist. I plan on improving the system to make it a bit more functional, since it currently has some limitations. At the moment, it relies on a single blog post to notify folks whenever it's been reopened, which isn't ideal.

In the meantime, feel free to let friends know that the public queue's finally about to open if they're interested in getting a commission. I plan on launching via Commissio's notification system first to reward those who've been following me there (which everyone should totally do), and then reopen a second time with a more visible announcement.


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