Covid Interruptions


Hi all. I hoped not to ever have to make this post, but here we are.

This past week has been pretty busy just in general, with me going full force getting my new place liveable and my work equipment set up, but it quickly got very chaotic over and above all of that.

My mom tested positive for covid earlier this week, which was a shock cause the only reason she got tested was for some unrelated, routine hospital interventions. We would've completely missed it otherwise, cause she was pretty much asymptomatic. She's perfectly fine, and has since tested negative - literally 4 days after the first test. It's bizarre, but it's what led to the latest thing.

Shortcake (one of my partners) and I went in to get tested together as a precaution. My test came up negative but hers was positive. We had to fast-track her moving in with me (we planned on getting it done over the course of the next 2 weeks) to protect her parents, and we're now under enforced quarantine. She's doing perfectly fine, but we're taking some measures to reduce my risk until she gets past it.

Needless to say, things have been thrown into a bit of a tailspin. We're minimizing the time we spend in the same rooms, at the very least until we get some more sanitizing supplies. As a result, the time I have access to my just-finished work setup is limited and even then, keeping distance from someone living in the same house does tend to slow things down.

TL;DR: Covid's gotten in the way of plans, so my hiatus from streams has been extended and art production will be slow to say the least. I hate that this keeps happening but my plans continue getting upended despite my best efforts. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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