Wolfie’s Streams – May and June


I fell behind on uploads for a little while this month, so here's all of Wolfie's pending streamed artwork for your enjoyment.

First up, I finished off the scene Russel requested which, although it certainly looks like it, was not initially inspired by Animal Crossing. I'd be lying if I said the design I put on paper wasn't at least partly motivated by it. I always enjoy working in monochrome or, technically speaking in this case, a limited palette, and this was no exception. This is probably one of the few excuses the duo gets to enjoy for staying up past their bedtime.

Next up, Austin just gave me a picture of a baby changing mat with an *adorable* print design and asked me to draw something with it, so I did. Here's a blushy lil' foxkit being all bashful in the midst of a nappy change. Looks like he needed it rather urgently!

Next up, it's June's artwork. This one was my idea, sparked from my recent deep dive into YouTube's pet fox videos genre. One short but memorably adorable video had me imagining Austin behaving in a very similar way, so here's a tiny kit squirming gleefully and making loud fox noises while getting playful scritches. Drawing this made me genuinely happy.

Austin's mom is strict on the best of days, but she always make sure that her little boy is properly supplied for a busy day out at the park. The little fox doesn't seem too sure about mom's choice of spare double-thick padding and sandwich filling, but he'll be alright.

Last but not least, here's Austin getting a present he was clearly very excited to receive. I realized after I'd gotten done with it that I left out the giftwrap, but it's still got the important details at least. More smiling, happy foxes is always more good, in my books.

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