Wolfie’s Streams – “Calming” Diaper Cream


Here's a fun sequence I got done on Wolfie's most recent stream session.

He was kind enough to provide an accompanying description for the sequence, and while I'm quite proud of how the art turned out, the text absolutely ramps it right up to 11.

Also, bonus pulluped fox bottoms. Enjoy!

Austin has been having a very good time at adult daycare, but the staff have just one "little" problem with his behaviour during diaper changes. Without fail, come time for fresh baby powder and snug tapes, he's past half-mast and there's no hope of getting him taped up and sent back to playing.

Waiting for his diaper to fit is tying up a grown-up and a changing table… A few gentle spanks only exacerbated the problem. It's time for some more drastic measures, then…

This cream is very strong stuff. Gloves are just a no-brainer when applying it. The adult baby fox squirms and shivers as it's liberally applied, leaving an ominous, arousing tingling sensation in it's wake.

In fact, it's such strong medicine that it's only a few short seconds later that the fox's fresh, thick adult diaper is catching the sticky results of an abrupt orgasm.

While Austin's all tied up squirming and digging his paws into the changing table's soft plastic matting, the primary function of this concoction starts to take hold… It doesn't skimp on the pleasure though; It'll help to soften up knotty foxparts all the better this way!

Knotty foxparts… and un-knotty fox packages, at that. Now painfully hard, but half it's former length and sporting the most modest of bumps, these are much more appropriate for a fox who took time out of his busy work schedule to crawl around a playpen with all his other big baby friends… Though, what's started can't exactly be stopped now.

Basking in his afterglow, Austin suddenly takes another look at his diminished bits, a quarter of their old size and shrinking still, and that's before we get to talking about his sheath! The caretaker, a smug smile spread across her face, whisks away that now-musky spoilt diaper, and prepares something more fitting to slip under the flustered fox.

All done, Austin feels a warm rush as his newly miniaturized cock softens and slips away into it's soft, off-white fluffy hiding place to nestle against his tiny little grape-sized bits. The fox's heart races with the release and the sight of his tweaked manhood.

A warm rush that seems to center itself on the fox's full-bladder… Maybe a little bit too strong, the overgrown baby tod squirms and gives his caretaker a panicked look as his urge to piddle grows, faster and more urgently than normal. Fortunately, his new, lilac diaper is just about ready for being taped up snugly.

Not quite quickly enough, though. Warm, musky piddle dribbling down the now-incontinent fox's groin despite his best efforts to hold it back. It dribbles into his waiting nappy, ably positioned by the daycare's full-time nurse.

The nurse pulls the diaper's front straight over that accelerating dribble, pressing it down on the fox's tummy firmly enough to press on his bladder and speed his wetting slightly. The tape strip clearly state's the diaper's purpose, size 9 for big girls.

It'll last for a while, even with this accident. It'll be suitably protective, too, to soak up piddle from the appropriately resized boybits.

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