Game Download: Where I Belong

(12/01/22 Edit & Reupload: This is a backdated post I found listed as private and while I think I recall why I'd set it as such, at this point I think it's fine to just post it again; especially given what I've been going through lately and the message behind the game being more significant to me than ever before. I hope you'll enjoy it)

About a month ago, I participated in a game jam by myself to challenge myself a little. I hadn't done much game design in a long time, and I figured it would be a great way to broaden the scope of my work to share with you all.

Where I Belong is a simple puzzle platformer that tries to tell a story using only visual elements. The abstract aesthetic was a conscious decision I made, primarily because of the limited time and resources I had available. However, it had the added benefit of letting players interpret the story how they like, especially since I'm not experienced with writing for games.

Most of the work was done during the 48 hours of the Game Jam, but I tweaked the code a little afterwards to improve its playability. This way, it's not as frustrating or confusing to play alone.

In any case, I hope you like it. This is my attempt at getting rid of the rust that's accumulated since I graduated, in hopes that I can start doing this a little more often alongside my artwork in future. I made everything in this project aside from the music, which I predictably got from

PS: Although the instructions don't mention it, spacebar also jumps if you prefer to play it that way.


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