The Babysitter, Babysat


As some of you may know, my friend Malachyte has been exploring her little side lately. I've been quite privileged to support her through this process, as it's been a bit daunting for her at times.

Late last year, she announced a multislot commission she was taking on stream, and I couldn't shove money into her paws any harder than I did to secure a spot in the piece. I still love it to absolute pieces.

A conversation that closely followed (or preceded?) then sparked the idea for a followup piece, as I'd been gunning for any excuse to draw her adorable little self as soon as I could. When it came to me, I knew it would be perfect to bring my little FaerieAlex into it too, as she likewise had been going through an "enlittlening," as I've taken to calling it, of her own. Given that the two of them were also acquainted, this seemed like the perfect idea to me.

I sketched it out mid October last year, and I waited very impatiently for her to finish redesigning her fursona, including her little self, to make sure I get the colours right. I'm so pleased to get this done and dusted, as I was determined to be the first to draw and post art of both of these little sweethearts' littler forms.

I love you both so much, Mala and Fae. 💝


  1. Malachyte

    I wish I had the words for all the feelings this brings to me. Not just emotional, but physical. Like a full body tingle of calm that washes over…

    Thank you for such a wonderful exchange of art. I’m at a loss for words, I just love it.

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