Most important part upfront: PLEASE keep a keener eye out for and report any weirdness or problems on the site to me if you notice anything unusual. I just got done moving it to a new server and things might've gotten broken in ways I'm not aware of yet, despite thorough, albeit brief, testing.
The past few weeks I've been quietly making preparations to migrate my entire hosting setup onto a fresh new server because the one I was using was set to be decommissioned. Over the past 24 hours or so, I've gotten that done and dusted, and boy howdy was it a scary and frustrating ordeal.
But, here we are!
To be fair, it's a lot less exciting for y'all since, if I've done my job properly, you shouldn't have noticed a single thing (except if you tried to access the server during that time cause it was in maintenance mode but shh).
So yeah; as I mentioned at the start of the post, for the next couple of weeks please be a little more vigilant than usual, and quicker to report any strangeness going on with the site. There may be things I won't have run across since I'm using it in different ways than you all do, but if all went well then you shouldn't see anything amiss.
See you all in the New Year!
Proud of ya, I’ll keep an eye for any loose nuts
So far so good! I haven’t noticed a thing out of place.