I was in a remarkably Mayternity mood back in May, possibly thanks to how the Easter Day of Trans Visibility comic made me feel. I can't discount the effects of the new hormones on my headspace about it too...
For some likely essential context, at my last HRT followup appointment, the endocrinologist noted that my vitamin D levels weren't "low," they were "undetectable," and prescribed me a dose of supplements which I later learned is the same that they'd give to pregnant women.
Needless to say, it had me feeling a rather specific sort of way, and Wolfie very kindly summed up the art idea it inspired in him as "doctor says your bloods are all out of whack, prescribes you the meds that get you pregnant." It lived rent free inside my head until I got it onto my canvas during last week's stream. I think I'm pretty much hooked on drawing myself with such a huge, round belly, and milk-laden breasts.
Giving it a splash of colour and some softer shading was a lot of fun - not to mention including my lovely girlfriend Arwyn as a guest star and keen helper - and I'm glad to see it done even if it's a bit on the sketchier side than my usual fare.