Here's an assortment of puppy stuff I got done over the past several weeks.
I needed a new display pic to properly capture my two sides at one go. The mix of broken and contiguous lines across the boundary between the two was fun to work with without simply duplicating all the layers that would otherwise overlap. That, and it turned out real cute.
And speaking of cute; I needed a "quick" warmup one day and decided I'd lose myself in sketching out a happy lil' wuppy who seems very excited to see you.

My girlfriend Garnet needed some cheering up a little while back, and I couldn't think of a better way to do it than puppy kisses. The two pictures might look the same, but they're not.

After a stint of focusing on commission work more recently, I figured I'd make good on a bunch of inspiration I got hit with for puppy-related shenanigans.
First up is another scene involving Garnet, who I'm currently staying at; she recently started a new job and we've been navigating how to share the space that we both need to work comfortably during my visit. While discussing what might happen if I tried to sneak in while her webcam was on during a meeting, this idea came to mind.
She absolutely adored it when I showed it to her, and frankly, I love it too.
I'll probably give it a touch of colour and format it into a mini comic page before posting it up.

At that point I was on a roll with the self-indulgence. The first was inspired by some stream-related shenanigans related to mot, Plush and Arwyn donating to my streams, when I allowed them to provide one prompt each to combine into a picture.
The second was once again inspired by Garnet and her husband Piter, this time teasing me about "leaving me in the car" while they were out somewhere. The obvious connection was pretty much inevitable. There is absolutely nothing going on behind those dinnerplate eyes. Not a single solitary thought in that fluffy noggin.

Can verify that Chocolate is a good puppy