This is effectively a repost of a lined WIPs of the same art, except for the last one.
Tiff decided to spoil the new puppy on her arrival with some more of her stream time and the ideas she had for it just absolutely destroyed me ((good)). We used her first session to block out and polish up the sketches, after which I put some of my own time into a second pass cause I just loved them so much.
First up is some rather intense clicker training. Puppy got to have a real nice treat and even got rewarded for a job well done. Tiff's been really keen to spoil me since I came out and gosh... I think I'd be stuck in puppy mode for a day or three after something like this.

Doubling down on the spoiling, she also suggested getting me fitted for a harness.
She had meant for me to draw her sneaking up from behind to take my measurements. Although I misunderstood and would have liked that version too, the thought of puppy being so head empty to still be surprised by the gift after seeing exactly what Tiff did makes me really happy.
I wasn't sure what patch the harness should have, so I went with both "NERVOUS" first and "EMOTIONAL SUPPORT DOG" as a replacement since it came up in conversation with Garnet just the day before.
Tiff was also teasing me with a bunch of dog-mom shirts and I wasn't sure if I should leave that design as is or swap in "mutt" as the breed, but that seemed a little meaner than I'd have liked. Plus, the notion of my puppy side being a rescue also has me feeling a certain way.
And just... Look at that face, gosh.

I already added this to the earlier post too, but here's a quick colour edit of the other puppy thing Tiff had done.

Good Puppy!!!