Since coming out last Sunday as a puppygirl, I've been having a lot of fun.
I got both of these done during last night's stream, which I am exceptionally proud of. Puppymode has definitely unlocked a reserve of energy in me I never thought I did, and it feels wonderful to be putting it to good use like this.
Tiff suggested this idea, which I ramped up to 11 to make it more accurate to how the big day went down.
... And how I did by the end of it, too.

While making that, I remembered that I'd need to start adding peets to my paws in puppy form, which then inspired this thing. I thought it was cute, and I really love that it shows off one way in which shifting between my two states works. 💝
It's also a joke about how I've always maintained that bunnies shouldn't have pawpads (or nosepads, but I decided not to go that far... this time), which I find funny to think about since that's now come back to bite me.

Later Edit: This happened in a group chat and I couldn't not make it. Clickers have been on the mind... 😖💦

Optimal tummy rub target sighted!!!
Deploying rubs~
You make quite the good puppy. <3