Patron Credits Page – Action Needed!


Hey there! For a while I'd been wanting to add transparency to the pledging system on the site; basically allow guests to see how many folks were pledging, estimated totals, that sort of thing - much like it was on Patreon.

To that end, I thought I'd start by adding a persistent perk for you all by implementing a little credits page, which you can opt in to and have your name visible as long as you have a membership active. Although the page/section itself hasn't been set up anywhere visible just yet, the ability to opt-in has already been implemented on your profile settings page.

I'm still figuring out exactly where to put the listing so it's both visible and presentable, but until then, you can help pre-populate the list by opting in!

Update: After some coding tweaks and poking the right buttons, the Patron credits listing is now live on the front page. I figured that was the best place to put it, at least for the time being. Your name will appear there as soon as you opt in to taking credit for your generous patronage. Thanks again!


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