Happy Campers 1-14 (Sketch WIP)


So here we go, back on the road again - from three years ago to the day as of last week, I've mustered up the courage to work on Happy Campers again. I'm excited for it, I hope you are too. 💖

Going into this I'd like to try and manage expectations with it a little bit if I can; one of my major hangups with restarting Happy Campers was the risk of another years-long hiatus for whatever reason. The reality I'm faced with is that my output isn't as quick or consistent week-to-week or month-to-month as that of other artists, but I didn't want to disappoint people with what might seem like a bait-and-switch if I don't manage my work and maintain the comic for long enough to see it through.

In other words, I want this just as badly as anybody else does; it just feels like there's a fair bit riding on it and I hope I can do it right. Thanks for your patience. 💖

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