Lab/Shop Promo Art


I've been meaning to revamp some of the promotional artwork I was using on my various galleries for a while now; here it is, finished at last.

I posted this publicly ahead of my usual embargo because I really wanted to get it done and uploaded everywhere as my first completed project for the year. I uploaded it at an even higher resolution than usual, so you can pick out more of the details if you'd like. Given that 2021 was bringing with it a lot of new and important things for me, I felt some pressure to make the first drawing really count. I figured it'd make sense to work on something important that I'd been meaning to do for a while.

As you all know, unfortunately a lot of unexpected things cropped up last month and slowed me down a fair bit. Aside from that I also had to keep up with commissions and help with maintaining things around the house on top of all of that too. It didn't work out quite as planned, but I'm still proud of pulling it all off reasonably well.

With that out of the way, I'll be shifting focus back to my regular scheduled kinky programming as soon as I can. I'm really excited for it - as always, thanks for sticking around in the meantime.


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