Quickies – Loosening Up the Librarian


These "Quickies" aren't really living up to their name, are they? Nevermind, adding to them as I'd like is a fun option to have, especially when a single picture just isn't enough to capture the whole idea I have in mind. It all ultimately adds up to crowdfunded content for you to enjoy either way.

You may notice a slight change in style between the 4th and 5th part; that's where I got busy with other stuff for a while. The sketching technique I'd used for the first parts stopped working too well for me because of the pose I had in mind, so I stepped away from the piece to reset and used my usual method when I went back to it.

Tiesel has a talent for twisting people's true intentions, though whether that's part of his job description or just him letting off some steam after a frustrating shift is left to be seen. Either way, Rosalyn here (Thanks to Vivi and Dal for the name idea!) just happened to be having the wrong thoughts at the wrong time and place, and Tiesel's happy to fix that right up for her.

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