Studio Relocation Stream Commissions – Middling to Harder Kinks


We're delving deep now! Granted these still turned out fairly toned down in terms of execution, but as far as themes go, these were the most eclectic of the bunch that I got done over the three stream days. I'm really quite happy with them all.

Aside from plenty of pampers, which is really par for the course at this point, we've got lots of hypnosis and mind-control shenanigans ranging from subtle to blatant, hyper cum as well as permanent chastity, various kinds of TF, oviposition and some corruption to boot!

In order, these were commissioned by Dal, Drifty, Seech, Errubin, James Tiger, MoT and Plushcalf. Several of them were made specifically with the help of my idea cards, and although they gave somewhat tame prompts, they were still really fun to work with.


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