Giving Thanks


Given what day it is today, I figured it'd be a great time to make a post to show my appreciation to every single one of you supporting me here. It really means a lot to me that so many of you have chosen to stick with me through thick and thin over the past year and all the challenges its brought with it. I'm extremely thankful for what I've got, and I'm looking forward to making good on that kindness and generosity once I'm set up at the new place.

The last two weeks have been pretty busy and rather exhausting, but being able to focus on things without worrying much about my art and finances is a huge benefit to me in so many ways. I already have plenty for my anxiety to feed off of and turn me into a nervous wreck, so putting that out of my mind really helps keep things under control, and I don't take that for granted.

If you read my public journal post the other day, you already know that packing and preparations have been going very well. However, I saved some other stuff to share with you guys here - a photo series showing the packing process so far!

Starting off, here are some photos following the penultimate and final streams at the studio. You can tell that's when they were taken by the drinks on the table.

Next, a sequence of packing things up bit by bit. I don't know exactly which days each of these were taken on, but you can see the general progression and the order in which I packed things up.

This was the final step that I deliberately left until the very last - dismantling my computer and "desk." In the process you can see how I had it set up for comfort, given that I was actually using a dinner table. The plank of wood let me sit closer to the work surface without the table's supports pressing into my legs.

I then dismantled the table for storage, and took one last photo for posterity once the job was done.

Starting from tomorrow, I'll be slowly taking boxes over to the new place so that on Sunday, the final day of my lease, I can focus on the larger items with the help of some friends.

I'm going to be working from home until everything gets set up at the new place, but there's still some final things to iron out before we start paying rent and living there in January.

This part of the process will likely have been the most stressful one, so from next week I should be a lot more relaxed and able to get back to making and posting some art as usual. Until then, thanks again for your patience and support - I appreciate every single one of you so very much.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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