Survey: Regarding Post Notifications


Hello there! You've probably noticed me having gone on quite an unusual posting spree today.

As it turns out, I've tended to stagger my uploads a little to help fill out my upload schedule and minimize periods of inactivity. Now that I'm gradually getting back into the swing of things, this has led to a sizeable backlog of content, so I'd like to start uploading everything as soon as I can whenever I've got something to upload. These can and likely will end up accumulating more often than not, which is a good problem to have.

One of the benefits of staggering uploads is that I avoid spamming inboxes, much like I did today. Unfortunately, the way I've designed the site means that digests (aka batch updates) are not easy to implement and would otherwise involve extra work each time. They would also be counter-productive given my extensive use of tagging and categorization, which work best with individual notifications.

That having been said, modern email clients thread related emails; in other words, emails are stacked into a single entry in an inbox if they share the same subject. At the moment the notification emails sent include the posts' title, but I can remove the title so they match and can be threaded this way.

It might need further testing, but in the meantime I just wanted to use this opportunity to try out the site's new feature: Polls!

Short summary of the question: What do you think I should do about my notifications for busy days like today?

I can either keep the unique titles in the notifications to make them recognizable but not threadable, or remove the unique titles so that email clients like Gmail can group multiple notifications together.

How should post notifications be handled moving forward?

  • Keep unique post titles in the notifications (56%, 10 Votes)
  • Remove post titles from notifications to enable threading (6%, 1 Votes)
  • Either way works for me (39%, 7 Votes)

Total Voters: 18

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NB: While the perk for voting on polls is reserved for €7 patrons and up, this post is accessible to everyone since it's a site-related issue that affects everybody, and it allows me to test the feature more broadly. I will be reserving art-related polls to the appropriate tiers when I get those going; hopefully soon.


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