“Business” Partners


Yesterday, I stumbled across an article being shared around regarding CJ and Flick from Animal Crossing. Apparently, an official strategy guide described their relationship as being "Roommates" and "Business Partners," which elaborates on CJ referring to Flick as his partner in game. It's a subtle and unintrusive reference, but one that's easy to lead to some fun flights of fancy.

The article inexplicably concludes that they can't possibly be bunking with one another just based on that, so I got mad and made wholesome, romantic porn of them.

I'm really satisfied with how this turned out. I'd like to work on some pieces with more involved colour work again soon, but for the time being I'm giving myself some leeway. Colouring is unfortunately the most time-consuming and oftentimes most stressful and frustrating part of the process for me.

In any case, I went ahead and made a version with and without the dialog, in case it's a little too distracting. Hope you like it. <3


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