Sisyphean Effort


Last Monday, I reached a turning point while working on setting up a new platform on my website. It unfortunately failed, and so also turned out to be a bit of a breaking point.

I figured that words would not suffice when trying to explain how it's made me feel, so I made this. The good news is that getting it out of my system during yesterday's vent stream helped me a lot.

The better news is that Tiff already found another angle for us to approach this problem from. It'll take more effort to set up than the previous solutions we've looked into, but when done, it should work out better than any of the alternatives I've seen so far. I'll have more information once we've made a bit of progress.

I won't lie - this has been a genuinely draining experience. It's going to take some time after this is fixed until I'm back where I was a few months ago. My effort for the past several weeks has been put towards ensuring that I won't have to deal with this problem again for as long as possible - and with any luck, never again. With that in mind, I'm still determined and trying as hard as I can.

I promise my next upload will be a happier one. This month's rewards are just about done and I think they're among the best I've made to date, so you have that to look forward to.


  1. Kazookie

    I am pretty sure that this feeling has gotten ahold of many of us before. I know for sure it happened here.
    But you fixed it in then end, that is all that counts.
    Sure it would have been more nice to have it working well and without so many backdrafts.
    Still a man with your skills can solve everything!

    1. Chocolate Kitsune

      You’re too kind Kaz, thank you for the encouraging words.

      Funny you posted this so soon before I planned on launching the site officially, but it helped put things into perspective for me and I appreciate that.

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