Updates, and a Most Sincere Thank You


This is a follow up to the journal I posted publicly yesterday.

In case you missed it, I talked briefly about the problems I've been faced with over the past month. It's been very, very difficult and demotivating to boot, but I'm now officially on the rebound.

I wanted to take a moment to thank every one of you here for sticking with me and maintaining your pledges despite the limited output and slow schedule. Your contributions are what helped me stay afloat through this tough time, and I don't take any of them for granted. I don't think I'd be planning ahead for any new art projects right now, if it wasn't for your generosity and patience.

With some help from Tiff bunny, I've started work on installing a self-hosted alternative to Patreon on my server, which is an open source solution called Cloud Patron. It should work pretty much the same way as this. but the catch is that it's currently only designed to work with Stripe. Since Stripe isn't available to me, it'll need some work to plug it into PayPal before I can use it properly. I'll keep you posted as that progresses.

Next month will be the final batch of art rewards. I had loads of fun working on them and learned a lot too, so it'll be sad to see them go. However, I have plans underway for how things will be set up moving forwards, and I'm confident that you'll enjoy it a lot.


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